Friday, September 27, 2013

Ancient Indian Civilization

Here is the worksheet we worked on in class (with the substitute) on Thursday.  Here is the back page to it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Assessment #4 "Playbook"

Here's are some items that you definitely should understand for Friday's assessment:

-Physical regions of India
-Physical features of the area (think mountain ranges, rivers, nearby bodies of water)
-Climate (monsoon for instance)
-The two major cities of the Indus River Valley
-Who the Indo-Aryans were and where they came from
-The role that Hinduism played in shaping ancient Indian culture

-Be able to define:
-Rig Veda

That is all for now--good luck!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Taking Cornell Notes

This week in class, we have been trying out using "Cornell Notes" while we read.  This is a strategy to increase your cognitive awareness of what you're reading, and also helps in studying/remembering the information for an assessment or test.  The information sheet/diagram is linked for future reference.

Indus River Valley and the Rig Veda

In class on Monday, we began to learn about another of the "ancient river cultures" the Indus River Valley.  We read pages 49-57.  We also began to look at a primary source document when we looked at a portion of the Riga Veda.  Here is the worksheet that has the portion of the Riga Veda attached.

Today in class, we will be completing the section 1 review (and attaching it to the worksheet from yesterday), with a partner.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tomorrow's "Playbook"

Here are some items to make sure you're familiar with for tomorrow's assessment covering the cultures of the "Fertile Crescent":

-Know the geography of the region--What bodies of water and other geographical features border the region.

-The Code of Hummurabi
-Assyrians (government, greatness/fall)
-Babylonians (culture, women, religion)

That is all for now--good luck!
Mr C.

P.S.  Just a friendly reminder that a signed copy of your grade report is also due tomorrow.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prep for Tomorrow's Assessment

Today in class I "opened up the playbook" and gave you some key points that you should definitely have an understanding of for tomorrow's assessment.  Here is a truncated version of what I gave in class today:

Ancient Egyptian Achievements-
Have an understanding and be able to give examples of achievements made in:


 Important People-

The Nile-
     -Understand the physical characteristics of the river (More than just that "it's big")
     -Know the "natural advantages" of the Nile Valley

That is all for now...good luck, and come prepared!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Alright.  I think we might just have this figured out now.  This is the inaugural post for the World History blog!  Now you should be able to respond (after registering or through your gmail account) with a "Hello", showing that you've been here.  Thanks for your patience.